Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Making Magic @ Madonna Stock

On April 24th we played Madonna Stock and it was honestly one of the best shows we have ever played. I'm not claiming that as a band we all played perfectly, but the show as a whole was by far the most fun, and the most rewarding.

We walked onto the stage with white pants, easter egg colored shirts, and a butt load of energy. For most shows I spent days with sweating palms, worrying about everything that I need to do to prepare for the show.

Not this time.

This time I didn't do anything right, and I didn't worry, and I didn't care.


In fact, I could argue that I did everything wrong. I went to a party the night before and screamed along to a bunch of covers from one of my new favorite bands, Dance Panda. Then I woke up and played volleyball for 8 hours straight with Team Beezie (it was all worth it because we won a free t-shirt). I screamed all night and all day, and as you probably guessed I lost my voice.

Usually if I were to lose my voice right before a show I would naturally, well... shit my pants. But this time I just laughed (or squeaked) and drank a bunch of tea with orange honey in it (Thanks again Mags).

By the time we got onto the stage it was pretty much freezing, and the two bands that were supposed to come on before us flew the coop and never showed. So, essentially no one was there.

Then, out of nowhere like two hundred people showed up, and we started playing. I looked out at all my friend beautiful faces, and they were screaming. They were stoked, and I was stoked. It was an impossibly happy night.

I just want to thank everyone who was there, the people I don't know, the new fans, the old fans, my boys in desmet, and all my close friends who came. I love you all, thank you for screaming along with me.

I'll keep you posted.

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