Tuesday, January 12, 2010


STELLA- And I'm not talking about my mom's favorite beer (but if you asked her you would find this fact to be outstandingly true).

Claire and I are back in Spokane and we are getting ready for our big show February 3rd at 8 p.m. @ CofFeE HoUse.

Today was a big day, because some big purchases were made.
1) I got a new guitar (Christmas) a brand spanking new Takamine, I've never had my very own guitar so it's kind of a big deal to me.

2) Stella the Rat, my present to Claire for her birthday. She wanted a rat, so we went to Petco and this awkward lady helped us pick out a rat. I worked at a pet store for two years, so I know my shit. Like how to pick up rats by their tails and put them in little boxes and give them to customers who later feed them to their large snakes. Haha, yeah, so I don't really know much.

When I was a kid however I did breed mice with my sister and brother (another story for another time).

We then went back to my dorm and played a little music and put Stella's cage together. My room mate John flew in at 8:40 so we had to pick his bitch ass up. Before we picked him up we dined on the always fresh Subway, 5 dollar footlong. I asked for extra banana peppers and Claire and I couldn't stop having a weird conversation about what we were going to slap each other with...

I'm pretty sure we freaked the poor girl serving us out. Whatever, I wanted extra banana peppers (or pepperchinies? )
Subway is my savior.

I love my school. I love my guitar. I love my blog.


  1. HAHA oh dane. such a good humored lad you are. enjoy that takamine.

    p.s. pepperchinies.....it's so weird for me to see the "banana peppers" sign.

  2. When I see banana peppers, I feel awkward.
